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Eclipse Phase: come forth child Duncan

Last week was my first round with my latest iteration of my ego Child Duncan.

This character is inspired by the Marvel character Loki, for those who are not avid readers. A Loki story arc involved an older (and more evil) incarnation of Loki destroying a child-like innocent version of himself.

Adult Duncan went through some massive mental upheaval. Slipping into severe paranoia, Adult Duncan committed a terrible atrocity when he murdered a young family who he mistook for Jovian spies. In the chaos, Child Duncan, who had been enslaved by Adult Duncan as a fork, managed to take control of Adult Duncan’s morph.

He quickly altered his morph into a flat to avoid Jovian detection. Terrified, Child Duncan confessed his personality to Firewall in the hope of asylum. Firewall have taken him in but barely trust him (-30 to network firewall rolls).

Duncan is 8 years old and is very weak willed (willpower 5). His main abilities lie in his skill at deception (85 SKP) and persuasion (80 SKP) – he can turn on his child-like charm quite well. He is also a highly skilled driver, pilot and navigator. In combat, Child Duncan needs to keep out of the fray, so he utilises a Sniper rifle with deadly impact. Like Adult Duncan, Child Duncan has developed an addiction to drugs – at this stage limited to kick.

In his first mission, Child Duncan was a force to be reckoned with despite his low Willpower. Taking a perch on a cliff face, he managed to deal considerable damage when his party was ambushed. He downed one enemy completely and dealt massive damage to another. The ferocity of his firepower terrified his prey, who fled. Only one enemy even spotted Child Duncan in the chaos.

On the downside, the heat of the battle brought about a blood lust in Child Duncan that surprised everyone. After knocking an enemy unconscious, he attempted to double tap him instead of focusing his fire on enemies still combat-able. Unfortunately for Child Duncan his weapon locked on this shot, leaving his party vulnerable to an extra round of attack.

Whether Child Duncan can develop the Willpower required to sustain the physical and psychological trauma that a Firewall agent is expected to endure is yet to be seen.

Also yet to be known is the fate of Adult Duncan. Is he dead? Nobody can really tell at this stage.
